#! /usr/local/bin/perl # Author: Peter Loeb 1995 # revised July 1999 # This perl program, along with tform.html and six small graphics work together to # make a tic-tac-toe game for the web. # # I use this convention for the board: # # 1 | 2 | 3 # - + - + - # 4 | 5 | 6 # - + - + - # 7 | 8 | 9 # # The tir array (see the settir subroutine) names the various "rows" # The cmb array (see the setcmb subroutine) names the "double play" possibilities # # subroutine declarations sub figmov; sub dp; sub getbx; sub some_in_row; sub settir; sub setcmb; sub applmov; sub gamovr; sub one_gif; sub one_box; sub hsep; sub one_row; sub drawbrd; sub countem; sub makmov; # subroutines # ********************************************************************************** # # subroutine: figmov # # ********************************************************************************** sub figmov { # takes three arguments: pos (9 byte string), my color, and opponent's color (X or O) # returns new mov (or 0 if error) # # local variables: # $cps - picks up the first argument. This is the "board", a nine character string. # $wm - picks up the second argument. This is "X" or "O", played by the program. # $om - picks up the third argument. This is "X" or "O", played by the opponent (user). # $i - a "work" variable; used to hold intermediate results temporarily. # $xt - a "work" variable; used to hold intermediate results temporarily. my ($cps, $wm, $om) = @_; my $i, $xt; # if only one blank, then move there! $i = $cps =~ tr/ / /; if ($i == 1) { $i = index($cps," "); return $i+1; } # have any moves been made? if ($cps !~ /$wm/) { # have I not moved yet? if ($cps !~ /$om/) { # has opp not moved yet? $i = int(9 * rand) + 1; # nobody has moved; make a random move return $i; } else { # opponent has moved, but I haven't yet $i = index($cps,$om); # find opp's move if ($i == 4) { # if opp moved in center $i = int(4 * rand); # then move to random corner my @t = (1, 3, 7, 9); return $t[$i]; } else { # opp moved, but not to center; move to center return 5; } } } # if I have two in a row, then finish three in row (win) $xt = &some_in_row($wm,$cps,2); if ($xt > 0) { return $xt; } # if opp has two in a row, then finish three in row (block) $xt = &some_in_row($om,$cps,2); if ($xt > 0) { return $xt; } # check "trick" position if (($cps eq 'X O X') || ($cps eq ' X O X ')) { # if "trick" position $i = int(4 * rand); # then move to random side my @t = (2, 4, 6, 8); return $t[$i]; } # see if I have "double-play" opportunity $xt = &dp($wm,$cps,"D"); if ($xt > 0) { return $xt; } # see if opp has "double-play" opportunity $xt = &dp($om,$cps,"D"); if ($xt > 0) { return $xt; } # look for "next-move" double play $xt = &dp($wm,$cps,"N"); if ($xt > 0) { return $xt; } # look for opp "next-move" double play $xt = &dp($om,$cps,"N"); if ($xt > 0) { return $xt; } # look for one in row $xt = &some_in_row($wm,$cps,1); if ($xt > 0) { return $xt; } # look for opp one in row $xt = &some_in_row($om,$cps,1); if ($xt > 0) { return $xt; } # return random blank my @r; foreach ($i = 0; $i < 9; $i ++) { if (substr($cps,$i,1) eq " ") { $r[++$#r] = $i + 1; } } $i = int($#r * rand); # then move to random blank return $r[$i]; }; # ********************************************************************************** # # subroutine: dp # # ********************************************************************************** sub dp { # look for "double play" # arguments: # $zm - "X" or "O"; which color we are looking at # $brd - board # $nd - "D" double play on this move or "N" double play on next move my ($zm, $brd, $nd) = @_; my $i, $j, @s, $xm, $c, $d; $xm = $zm; $xm =~ tr/XO/OX/; # make xm opposite of zm # look at each combination foreach $i (0 .. 21) { # set $s to the board contents corresponding to the elements of the combination foreach $j (0 .. 4) { $s[$j] = substr($brd,$cmb[$i][$j]-1,1); } if ($s[0] eq " ") { # if the "common" square is blank if ($nd eq "D") { # if we are looking at this move $c = &countem($zm, $xm, $s[1], $s[2]); $d = &countem($zm, $xm, $s[3], $s[4]); if (($c eq 1) && ($d eq 1)) { # if both rows of combination have one return $cmb[$i][0]; # then move at "common" square } } elsif ($nd eq "N") { # we are looking at next move $c = &countem($zm,$xm,$s[1],$s[2],$s[3],$s[4]); # count how many if ($c eq 1) { # if one $d = &getbx($i,$s[1],$s[2],$s[3],$s[4]); return $d; } } } } return 0; }; # ********************************************************************************** # # subroutine: getbx # # ********************************************************************************** sub getbx { # return move to make double play possibility # arguments: # $i - combination number (index into $cmb) # $s1 - contents of board for $cmb[$i][1] # $s2 - contents of board for $cmb[$i][2] # $s3 - contents of board for $cmb[$i][3] # $s4 - contents of board for $cmb[$i][4] # keep in mind that the nature of $cmb is such that s1 and s2 form a row with s0 and so do s3 and s4. # when we enter this routine, we know that s0 is blank and one of s1-s4 has the color we want. # we want to find the row which has nothing filled in, yet. then pick one from that row. my ($i,$s1, $s2, $s3, $s4) = @_; if ($s1 eq " " && $s2 eq " ") { # if the "s1,s2" row is all blank return $cmb[$i][1]; # then move to s1 } elsif ($s4 eq " " && $s3 eq " ") { # if the "s3,s4" row is all blank return $cmb[$i][3]; # then move to s3 } else { print "
error in getbx; $i $s1 $s2 $s3 $s4\n"; } return 0; }; # ********************************************************************************** # # subroutine: some_in_row # # ********************************************************************************** sub some_in_row { # return the move number for a blank in a row which has the requested number filled # arguments: # $qm - color ("X" or "O") # $brd - board # $n - requested number # logic: # look for a row with $n squares filled with $qm and the other squares blank my ($qm, $brd, $n) = @_; my $i, $j, @s, $xm; # set $xm to be the opposite of $qm $xm = $qm; $xm =~ tr/XO/OX/; foreach $i (0 .. 7) { # for each set in $tir foreach $j (0 .. 2) { # for each element in the set $s[$j] = substr($brd,$tir[$i][$j]-1,1); # $s contains the board contents for the set } if (&countem($qm, $xm, @s) == $n) { # if $s contains the requested number foreach $j (0 .. 2) { # for each element in the set if ($s[$j] eq " ") { # if the element is blank return $tir[$i][$j]; # return the move } } } } return 0; # no row has the right configuration, return 0 }; # ********************************************************************************** # # subroutine: settir # # ********************************************************************************** sub settir { # set the "tir" (three in_a row) array. each three-element "set" (within square brackets) # represents a "row" either vertical, horizontal, or diagonal. # the order within the set is irrelevant; [1,2,3]=[3,2,1]=[2,3,1], etc. # to the best of my knowlege, all rows are accounted for. @tir = ( [1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8], [3, 6, 9], [1, 5, 9], [3, 5, 7], ); }; # ********************************************************************************** # # subroutine: setcmb # # ********************************************************************************** sub setcmb { # each "set" of five numbers in the cmb array represents two "rows" (as described in # the "tir" array) with one square in common. The first element of each set is the # "common" element. Thus, the two rows consist of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd; and the 1st, 4th # 5th. This makes it easier to spot "double plays". (see the dp subroutine). @cmb = ( [1,2,3,4,7], [2,1,3,5,8], [3,1,2,6,9], [1,2,3,5,9], [3,1,2,5,7], [4,5,6,1,7], [5,4,6,2,8], [6,4,5,3,9], [5,4,6,1,9], [5,4,6,3,7], [7,8,9,1,4], [8,7,9,2,5], [9,7,8,3,6], [9,7,8,1,5], [7,8,9,3,5], [1,4,7,5,9], [7,1,4,3,5], [5,4,6,1,9], [5,4,6,3,7], [9,3,6,1,5], [3,6,9,5,7], [5,1,9,3,7], ); }; # ********************************************************************************** # # subroutine: applmov # # ********************************************************************************** sub applmov { # apply a move to a board; return the updated board # arguments: # $brd - the board # $mv - the move (1-9) to apply # $cl - the color ("X" or "O") to apply my ($brd, $mv, $cl) = @_; # pick up args substr($brd,$mv-1,1) = $cl; # set the square to the required color return $brd; # return the updated board }; # ********************************************************************************** # # subroutine: gamovr # # ********************************************************************************** sub gamovr { # determine whether or not the game is over, and if so who won # argument: board # return values: # 0 - game not yet over # 1 - "X" wins # 2 - "O" wins # 3 - tie; game over, but nobody wins my $xbor = shift(@_); my $i, $j, @tb, $xxs, @s, $gflg; foreach $i (0 .. 7) { # for each "row" (tir) foreach $j (0 .. 2) { # for each element in row $s[$j] = substr($xbor,$tir[$i][$j]-1,1); # set $s to board values for that row } if ($s[0] eq $s[1] && $s[1] eq $s[2]) { # if all equal if ($s[1] eq "X") { # if "X" then return 1; # return 1 } elsif ($s[1] eq "O") { # if "O" then return 2; # return 2 } } } # we have looked at all "rows" and not found a winner. # now check and see if there are any squares left to play $gflg = $xbor =~ tr/ / /; # count blanks if ($gflg == 0) { # if none then return 3; # return 3 } # the game is not yet over, so return 0 return 0; }; # ********************************************************************************** # # subroutine: one_gif # # ********************************************************************************** sub one_gif { # create (and output) the html for one image # argument: # $ch - "c" (center), "h" (horizontal), or "v" vertical # the graphic files are linc.gif, linh.gif and linv.gif my $ch = shift(@_); # get the argument my $c = $ch; # copy the arg $c =~ tr/hvc/-|+/; # set up for the "alt" print "\n"; }; # ********************************************************************************** # # subroutine: one_box # # ********************************************************************************** sub one_box { # create and output the html for one square (or box) # arguments: # $ch - the character ("X", "O", or " ") to represent # $px - the board # $p - the position of the character within the board # $f - 0 or 1; zero means that the square (blank) should not be a link, while # one means that it should be a link. my ($ch, $px, $p, $f) = @_; my $gfil, $glin, $c; $c = $ch; # make $c the opposite color from $ch $c =~ tr/XO /XO_/; $px =~ s/ /B/g; # change "B"s to blanks if ($ch eq "X") { # do "X"; display sqx.gif $gfil = "sqx.gif"; $glin = "\n"; } elsif ($ch eq "O") { # do "O"; display sqo.gif $gfil = "sqo.gif"; $glin = "\n"; } elsif ($ch eq " ") { # do " "; display sqb.gif, but see whether or not it will be a link $gfil = "sqb.gif"; # set $gfil if ($f == 1) { # if square is to be link # this is where the position (board) and the move are passed to the next invocation $glin = "\n"; } elsif ($f == 0) { # if square is not link (like at the end of game) $glin = ""; } else { # something is wrong, here print "
error in one_box; f=$f\n"; } } else { # something is wrong, here print "
error in one_box $ch $pos $p $px\n"; } print $glin; # display the line }; # ********************************************************************************** # # subroutine: hsep # # ********************************************************************************** sub hsep { # create and output the horizontal lines between rows of squares (boxes) print "
$@\n"; } return $i; # return count }; # ********************************************************************************** # # subroutine: dofinal # # ********************************************************************************** sub dofinal { # end of game processing # arguments: # $brd - board # $gm - return code from gamovr (1 - "X" wins, 2 - "O" wins, 3 - tie) # $mc - color ("X" or "O") played by program # $oc - color ("X" or "O") played by opponent (user) my ($brd, $gm, $mc, $oc) = @_; my $xmsg; if ($gm == 1) { # "X" wins if ($mc eq "X") { # I'm playing "X" $xmsg = "you lose!"; # therefore you lose } else { # I'm playing "O" $xmsg = "you win!"; # therefore you win } } elsif ($gm == 2) { # "O" wins if ($oc eq "X") { # you are playing "X" $xmsg = "you lose!"; # therefore you lose } else { # you are playing "O" $xmsg = "you win!"; # therefore you win } } else { # tie $xmsg = "no one wins!"; } &drawbrd($brd,$xmsg,0); # go draw the board with the results and no links }; # ********************************************************************************** # # subroutine: makmov # # ********************************************************************************** sub makmov { # make a move # arguments: # $br - board # $m - position of opponent's move within the board my ($br, $m) = @_; my $gm, $mc, $oc, $x, $o, $c, $xbr, $d; # translate blanks to "B"s $br =~ s/B/ /g; # now let's figure out who is playing what color. note that the board represents # the position before the opponents move has been applied! $x = $br =~ tr/X/X/; # count "X"s $o = $br =~ tr/O/O/; # count "O"s if ($x == $o) { # if counts are the same $mc = "O"; # then I'm playing "O" $oc = "X"; # and opponent is playing "X" } elsif ($x == $o+1) { # if one more "X" than "O" $mc = "X"; # then I'm playing "X" $oc = "O"; # and opponent is playing "O" } else { # error print "
error-bad number of x\'s and o\'s: $x $o $br\n"; }; # let the game begin if (length($br) != 9) { print "
board invalid length\n"; } $d = $m - 1; # translate position to offset within board $c = substr($br,$d,1); # $c is the character at that position if ($c ne " ") { # if it is not blank, then we have a problem $xbr = $br; $xbr =~ s/ /B/g; print "
makmov opp move invalid: $xbr, $m, $c, $d\n"; } $br = &applmov($br,$m,$oc); # apply opponent's move to the board $gm = &gamovr($br); # check for game over if ($gm > 0) { # if the game is over &dofinal($br,$gm,$mc,$oc); # then do final processing } else { # the game is not over $m = &figmov($br,$mc,$oc); # get my next move $c = substr($br,$m-1,1); # get character at that position if ($c ne " ") { # if it is not blank, then we have a problem $xbr = $br; $xbr =~ s/ /B/g; print "
makmov my move invalid: $xbr, $m, $c, $d
$br = applmov($br,$m,$mc); # apply my move to board
$gm = &gamovr($br); # check for game over
if ($gm > 0) { # if game is over
&dofinal($br,$gm,$mc,$oc); # then do final processing
else { # game is not over
&drawbrd($br,"Your move (you are playing $oc)",1); # draw board
# **********************************************************
# **********************************************************
# use strict 'sub';
&settir; # set up the tir array
&setcmb; # set up the cmb array
$basepth = "http://palserv.com/"; # set the base path for "full" urls
$gpth = $basepth."tttgifs/"; # set the path for graphics
$prm = shift(@ARGV); # pick up command line arguments, if any
srand(time^$$); # randomize
$len = $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}; # get length of form data
read(STDIN,$bufx,$len); # get form data
@info = split(/[&;]/,$bufx); # get the name=value pairs
$br = "t"; # set up "dummy" board
print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; # output necessary first line
# there should be only one name/value pair (that matters)
# the first three characters of the "name" should be:
# "STX" - start with opponent playing "X"
# "STO" - start with opponent playing "O"
# "pos" - we are in the middle of a game; here is the position and
# the opponent's move
# I used a foreach loop to insure that I get something;
# during the loop, I look for the needed "prefix"
# as soon as it is found, we take appropriate action and exit
foreach $pair (@info) {
($name, $value) = split(/=/,$pair); # create name and value
$value =~ s/\+/ /g;
$value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg;
$value =~ s///g;
# form of 'name' is "posvvvvvvvvv.sqx" where vvvvvvvvv is board and x is move
# alternate form is "STX" or "STO" (see tform.htm)
$pre = substr($name,0,3); # get prefix
if ($pre eq "pos") { # look at position
$br = substr($name,3,9); # get the "board"
$m = substr($name,16,1); # get opponent's move
&makmov($br,$m); # make a move
elsif ($pre eq "STX") { # start; opponent makes first move
&drawbrd(" ","Your move (you are playing X)",1);
elsif ($pre eq "STO") { # start
$r = int(9 * rand) + 1; # pick a random move
$br = &applmov(" ",$r,"X"); # apply the move to a blank board
&drawbrd($br,"Your move (you are playing O)",1); #draw the board and prompt for next move
# if we get here, there is an error; we never got the required prefix
print "
vas iss das? length=$len; file=$fil; $bufx\n"; if ($br eq "t") { print "
invalid parms; length=$len; file=$fil; $bufx\n"; }; exit 0